Conveniently located to serve Pali Hill, Bandra West, Mumbai.


While it does not indicate any threat to a patient’s health, melasma causes patches of abnormal pigmentation that may not fit into a person’s aesthetic ideals for his or her appearance. Fortunately, there are treatment options for this pigmentation issue. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Sagar Gujjar is a renowned provider of hyperpigmentation treatments, including treatments for melasma in Mumbai.


Melasma, or chloasma, is a skin condition that involves uneven skin coloration. It results when melanocytes, or melanin-producing cells, form an excess of skin pigmentation.
Causes include ultraviolet light exposure, genetics, and hormonal imbalances. The blue light emitted from LED screens, such as those of cell phones, televisions, and laptops, can contribute to melasma as well. Melasma is most likely to form on skin that is frequently exposed to the sun. The forehead, nose, cheeks, upper lip, chin, neck, arms, and back are common areas affected by melasma.
In many cases, Dr. Gujjar can diagnose melasma by examining the discoloured skin. To identify the exact depth of the irregular pigmentation, a Wood’s lamp, or black light, can be used. This device can spotlight differences in fluorescence within the skin pigment to make it easier to see the extent of the condition. The black light assists Dr. Gujjar in identifying the type of melasma present. There are three classifications of melasma:
DERMAL This type of melasma does not have well-defined borders and may be bluish or light brown. Its appearance doesn’t differ when observed under a black light. Dermal melasma is the most difficult to treat.
EPIDERMAL Melasma that presents as dark brown patches of skin with distinct edges is called epidermal melasma. Under a black light, epidermal melasma is quite obvious. Successful treatment of epidermal melasma is possible.
MIXED Mixed melasma is more common than dermal and epidermal cases. It is characterized by brown and bluish colours. When examined with a black light, it appears to have a mixed pattern. Mixed melasma can be improved to varying degrees with treatment. SCHEDULE CONSULTATION



A family history of melasma increases the likelihood that you will develop this skin condition. It is more common among those with darker skin tones than in those with lighter skin. If you spend significant time in the sun or tanning beds and/or live in a geographical area with stronger than average UV radiation, you are more likely to be affected by melasma.
Melasma is much more prevalent in women than in men. The probability of experiencing melasma is particularly high among women who are in their reproductive years, take hormones, and/or use oral contraceptives.
Pregnancy is another factor that makes women more susceptible to developing melasma. This is thought to be related to the increased progesterone and estrogen hormones that accompany pregnancy. Melasma is commonly referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” since so many women experience this skin condition during pregnancy. Pregnancy-related melasma symptoms may dissipate after childbirth.
There are some types of medication that can contribute to a patient’s development of melasma. Anti-seizure medications have been connected to melasma formation. Additionally, medications that cause phototoxicity, or sun-sensitivity, can trigger this skin condition. Sensitivity to sunlight is a side effect of some antibiotics, blood pressure medications, and retinoids. Stopping the medication may or may not clear the melasma symptoms.
Thyroid disorders can also make you more vulnerable to melasma. In some instances, correcting the thyroid issue also resolves the hyperpigmentation.


While melasma associated with a genetic predisposition, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, and the need for certain medications can complicate prevention efforts, there are still steps you can take to reduce the potential of triggering melasma.


There are many ways to reduce the likelihood of phototoxicity-induced melasma. Any use of tanning beds should be ceased, as this UV light has the same detrimental effects as that of natural sun rays. When it comes to UV light from the sun, diligent, frequent sunscreen application is absolutely crucial if your goal is to avoid exacerbating existing hyperpigmentation and/or prevent new patches of melasma from appearing. No matter the weather, sun protection should be a priority. As an added measure of risk reduction, you should take care to plan outdoor activities around the most intense periods of UV radiation. Wearing protective clothing, long sleeves, and wide-brimmed hats can offer additional preventative benefits.
Selecting an appropriate broad spectrum sunscreen product is essential. You want to choose a product with an SPF of at least 30. It is also important to avoid using sunblock that contains ingredients known to cause pigmentation issues and/or to disrupt hormonal balance. Dr. Gujjar can advise you regarding safe sunscreen products for your skin.


Scented soaps and certain topical skin products are thought to contribute to the formation and worsening of melasma. Harsh cleansers and irritating skin products may cause melanocytes to produce additional pigment, which can cause melasma patches to darken.
It can be difficult to discern what skin care products are suitable for your skin, but a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Gujjar can help. Dr. Gujjar is passionate about helping patients access high-functioning skincare products crafted from top-quality ingredients.
For years, patients have relied on his input for the ideal cleansers, moisturizers, anti-aging, wrinkle-reducing, and irritation-relief products for their skin. He has assisted many melasma patients in managing chronic hyperpigmentation issues with a targeted skin care treatment consisting of advanced skincare products with science-backed ingredients.


The course of treatment varies in relation to the patient’s skin tone, skin type, and other factors. The depth and severity of the hyperpigmentation is an important factor in determining a treatment approach as well. At Dr. Gujjar’s medical practice in Skinwood, melasma treatments can include one or more of the following interventions:
Medicinal creams can be an effective intervention for some melasma cases. Prescription topical creams like hydroquinone and tretinoin can provide a skin-lightening effect. Regular use is required for noticeable results. These products can cause skin irritation, dryness, and/or redness, so prescription melasma creams may not be well-tolerated by patients with sensitive skin.
To prevent melasma from recurring and to encourage and support optimal healing after laser skin resurfacing, a microneedling procedure may be recommended. The tiny wounds created during this treatment stimulate the body’s healing process. Two or more microneedling sessions may be needed to best address melasma.
Dr.Gujjar incorporates specially formulated vitamin C serums into many melasma treatments. The antioxidants present in vitamin C support healthy skin, and this essential vitamin also inhibits tyrosinase, which is an enzyme the body requires to produce melanin.
Chemical peels that contain salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help to even out the skin tone. Cosmelan peels are often Dr. Gujjar’s preferred chemical peel for patients with melasma. Cosmelan works on its own to reduce the production of melanin in the skin, is an excellent pre-treatment for laser skin treatments, and is safe for every skin type. Dr. Gujjar also regularly performs HydraFacial MD peels for melasma patients.
The wavelengths of red LED light have anti-inflammatory benefits. This treatment helps to rejuvenate and heal skin cells, making this therapy a valuable complement to other melasma treatments.
Dr. Gujjar frequently follows chemical peels with a laser skin treatment with Starwalker MAQX .
Morpheus8 is a radiofrequency (RF) microneedling device that is ideal for many patients melasma concerns. Morpheus8 allows Dr. Gujjar to precisely target tissue affected by hyperpigmentation and vascular irregularities. This gentler microneedling approach is safe for patients with darker skin and can be used even in delicate areas, such as around the eyes.


While melasma associated with a genetic predisposition, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, and the need for certain medications can complicate prevention efforts, there are still steps you can take to reduce the potential of triggering melasma.
There are many ways to reduce the likelihood of phototoxicity-induced melasma. Any use of tanning beds should be ceased, as this UV light has the same detrimental effects as that of natural sun rays. When it comes to UV light from the sun, diligent, frequent sunscreen application is absolutely crucial if your goal is to avoid exacerbating existing hyperpigmentation and/or prevent new patches of melasma from appearing. No matter the weather, sun protection should be a priority. As an added measure of risk reduction, you should take care to plan outdoor activities around the most intense periods of UV radiation. Wearing protective clothing, long sleeves, and wide-brimmed hats can offer additional preventative benefits. Selecting an appropriate broad spectrum sunscreen product is essential. You want to choose a product with an SPF of at least 30. It is also important to avoid using sunblock that contains ingredients known to cause pigmentation issues and/or to disrupt hormonal balance. Dr. Gujjar can advise you regarding safe sunscreen products for your skin.
Scented soaps and certain topical skin products are thought to contribute to the formation and worsening of melasma. Harsh cleansers and irritating skin products may cause melanocytes to produce additional pigment, which can cause melasma patches to darken. It can be difficult to discern what skin care products are suitable for your skin, but a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Gujjar can help. Dr. Gujjar is passionate about helping patients access high-functioning skincare products crafted from top-quality ingredients. For years, patients have relied on his input for the ideal cleansers, moisturizers, anti-aging, wrinkle-reducing, and irritation-relief products for their skin. He has assisted many melasma patients in managing chronic hyperpigmentation issues with a targeted skin care treatment consisting of advanced skincare products with science-backed ingredients.



If you are worried about bluish or brown patches of skin, Dr. Gujjar can diagnose your skin condition and assess your candidacy for melasma treatment in a consultation. Patients with chronic melasma will require dermatological intervention to minimize the appearance of the hyperpigmentation. Candidates for melasma treatment must be generally healthy. It is best if patients are non-smokers, though smokers can still be candidates if they are willing to cease smoking for a period of time.
Realistic expectations are essential for candidacy. Melasma is a challenging skin condition to treat, and what works for one patient may not work for another. You may need to try more than one treatment approach and/or undergo a combination of minimally invasive procedures in order to get the results you want.
Some cases of melasma are temporary and resolve without the need for treatment once the causal factor, such as taking a particular medication, is eliminated. Dr. Gujjar will ask you several important questions to determine whether you have temporary or chronic melasma. These inquiries will cover details like how and when the hyperpigmentation appeared, medicines you are taking, and relevant questions about your lifestyle.


  • The recovery period after a melasma treatment varies based on the procedure(s) performed, though minimal downtime is typically required. Recovery from microneedling usually takes two days or less.
  • No significant recovery is associated with red LED light therapy treatments

When do i see Results for Melasma Treatment?

Noticeable improvements may be seen within a few weeks, with optimal results becoming more apparent over time as the skin undergoes renewal.

Post-Treatment Care & Instructions for Melasma Treatment

  • Use sunscreen daily to protect the skin from UV rays.
  • Adopt a gentle skincare routine to avoid irritation.
  • Refrain from using harsh or abrasive skincare products.
  • Maintain skin hydration by drinking ample water.
  • Apply cool compresses for any post-treatment redness or discomfort.
  • Minimize direct sun exposure, especially during peak hours.
  • Adhere to prescribed medications or topical treatments.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor progress and discuss additional care if needed.


Melasma is not a precursor to cancer or an indication of other serious health risks. However, some skin cancers have a similar appearance to melasma, so it is generally advisable to have a dermatologist perform an evaluation if you develop hyperpigmentation.


The type of melasma being addressed, the procedures involved, and other factors impact the price of melasma treatment. You’ll be apprised of all fees associated with your personalized hyperpigmentation protocol during your consultation.


The type of melasma being addressed, the procedures involved, and other factors impact the price of melasma treatment. You’ll be apprised of all fees associated with your personalized hyperpigmentation protocol during your consultation.

The type of melasma being addressed, the procedures involved, and other factors impact the price of melasma treatment. You’ll be apprised of all fees associated with your personalized hyperpigmentation protocol during your consultation.


If you are seeking treatment for melasma in Skinwood contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gujjar. Dr. Gujjar is exceptionally educated and experienced in resolving skin discoloration conditions like melasma and will take the time to craft a customized treatment that works for you.




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Ксения Ш
Ксения Ш
1 March 2024
I have been seeing Dr. Gujjar since 2022 & I am really happy to have found a doctor I can trust. I’m from Russia and it was difficult to find a trust worthy Doctor away from your country. He is very professional, intelligent & absolutely fantastic at his art of aesthetics. My lip filler went wrong & I was scared to trust any Doctor in mumbai. But I’m glad I found him. The only Dr I trust with my fillers & Botox. He’s a magician. I can’t thank him enough. If you’re looking for best Dr to enhance your face than Dr Sagar Gujjar is the one. And don’t miss out on their Hydra Facial. And yes Skinwood staff is really very welcoming and knowledgeable. Kudos to the team 💫 Home away from Home.
Narelle M
Narelle M
28 February 2024
Thank you Yui for always being lovely and looking after me when I come for treatments. I always relax in your hands. 💕
ashika Rele
ashika Rele
26 February 2024
I have had a great experience with skinwood so far they are extremely deserving of a 5 - star rating for their upscaled and an innovative approach to skin care. One of the preferred personnels who works for Skinwood is Pooja Bhatt. She’s absolutely phenomenal at her job for various reasons. One of the main reasons is that - she’s absolutely soft spoken and patient. She also is seamlessly able to module between a gentle to a not pressured touch over the skin based on the equipment she’s handling, that owes credit to her experience i believe. Overall, Great experience!
Aditi Khinchi
Aditi Khinchi
21 February 2024
I’ve been visiting Skinwood clinic since a year, and honestly I’m so happy with Dr Sagar and its team. I’m so happy with my Nose thread’s results. Dr Sagars treatment has shown remarkable differences. I’ve been to many dermatologists but failed to get the results. Dr & his team listened to my concerns and offer me the treatment accordingly. No extra pushing. And their staff 👏 super professional and kind. Must visit skinwood for your aesthetic concern & facials. And they have the best & most upgraded technology. Luxury for a reason
neha Chandak
neha Chandak
21 February 2024
Started with my emerald laser journey 45 days back and honestly I’m so impressed & happy with the technology. The results are really certain. Highly recommended. Staff is very helpful & professional.
Siddique Ahmed
Siddique Ahmed
20 February 2024
Do visit here one stop solutions for all ur skin concern thnks to Dr and the staff
kamini pawar
kamini pawar
18 January 2024
Dr. Sagar Gujjar is legit the best! I've been to a bunch of dermatologists, and nobody really got what was up with my skin. But Dr. Sagar? Dude knows his stuff. He took the time to break it all down for me, no rushing, just chill vibes. My skin's looking way better now, and here's the deal – no fake promises, just real, practical solutions. Even when I moved to Bangalore, these guys are still my go-to. The whole team's got my back whenever I've got an issue. Big shoutout to Laxmi at the front desk – always polite, always helping out. This clinic is on another level when it comes to ethics. Seriously, if you're in Mumbai and need a derm, this is the spot. Mad respect to Dr. Sagar and the team
Dr. Rakhi Upadhyay
Dr. Rakhi Upadhyay
15 January 2024
Dr Sagar is best at his job. I’m really impressed with the treatment he recommended me for my pigmentation. The results are very certain also I’ve done my lip filler with him last month and very much satisfied with the outcome. Genuine Clinic & Very friendly staff. A must visit.
Nina Shah
Nina Shah
10 January 2024
Skinwood is so professional! Best facials in Bombay! Staff are so lovely too! Always a good experience
sheetal khaire
sheetal khaire
8 January 2024
Beautiful experience! All the treatments are really good. Must give a try,relli effective!



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