Conveniently located to serve Pali Hill, Bandra West, Mumbai.


When performed by board-certified medical specialists like Dr. Sagar Gujjar, Botox injections deliver incredible, sustainable results. Dr. Gujjar is an aesthetic expert and renowned provider of Botox in Mumbai. His highly customized Botox treatments often incorporate complementary cosmetic procedures to ensure amazing, natural-looking enhancement


Botox is a versatile injectable product that is used to treat several cosmetic and medical issues. It is best known for its ability to prevent and/or minimize the appearance of frown lines, or glabellar lines. In the hands of a trained medical professional like Dr. Gujjar, Botox can also be used to:
  • Contour the jawline
  • Release fine lines in the outer eye area (crow’s feet)
  • Smooth out deep horizontal creases in the forehead
  • Reduce signs of aging in the neck area
  • Subtly lift the brow
  • Create more aesthetic lip contours
  • Release wrinkles along the upper lip
  • Treat a “gummy smile”
  • Address a medical condition called hyperhidrosis, which causes excessive sweating



Botox is an exceptional procedure that offers incredible, lasting results, especially when offered by a board-certified specialist like Dr. Gujjar. Offering a customized treatment for each patient, Dr. Sagar Gujjar combines multiple treatments, techniques, and products to help each patient meet their individual goals. As we continue to age, the fight against forehead lines and crow’s feet becomes more difficult. The battle to conceal those annoying lines and wrinkles just isn’t won using makeup. Dr. Sagar Gujjar offers the perfect solution that doesn’t involve surgery using Botox and PDO Thread Lifting techniques. Eyebrow lifts are becoming increasingly popular at Dr. Gujjar’s practice because women want a very open look to their eyes and an elevated lateral eyebrow is a sign of beauty and youth to the upper face. For those with mild brow heaviness due to naturally-drooping eyelids or low-hanging eyebrows you can use neuromodulation with Botox to get a subtle lift with no downtime. SCHEDULE CONSULTATION

What are Botox Treatments

Botox treatments for face use injections of botulinum toxin to temporarily paralyze muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Glabella frown lines

.Frown lines, also known as "11s," are the vertical lines that form between the eyebrows. They are often caused by repeated facial expressions, such as frowning or squinting. Botox can be used to temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause frown lines, resulting in a smoother, more relaxed appearance.

Crow's feet

Crow's feet are the small wrinkles that form around the eyes. They are often caused by aging, sun exposure, and smiling. Botox can be used to temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause crow's feet, resulting in a brighter, more youthful appearance

Forehead lines

Forehead lines are the horizontal wrinkles that form across the forehead. They are often caused by repeated facial expressions, such as raising the eyebrows. Botox can be used to temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause forehead lines, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance.


A skilled, highly trained injector is critical to successful Botox outcomes. Dr.Gujjar is exceptionally qualified to perform neuromodulator treatments, which is why his patients love their Botox results. Board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Sagar Gujjar is known throughout the world as a leading medical artist and pioneer in cutting-edge, combination facial contouring procedures that are both visually transformative and overall life-changing.
To minimize the potential for complications and avoid the “overdone” or “frozen” look that under-trained and/or inexperienced injectors tend to produce, Dr. Gujjar is meticulous about determining the ideal Botox dosage for each individual they treat. He also applies his in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy in conjunction with artistic instinct when selecting injection sites. SCHEDULE SESSION




Muscles around the eye and between the eyebrows are relaxed with injections that take 1-2 weeks to slow down the movement process of the muscles in those areas. When the muscles move less, the surrounding muscles work hard to lift the eyebrows. If this is done improperly, you can drop the eyebrow or cause a frozen look.
Skinwood Medical uses injectable “freezers” to prevent movement wrinkles such as those between the eyebrow, on the forehead, and around the eyes. When injected into the muscle directly, the muscles relax over 7-14 days improving the appearance of both resting and active movement lines.
Botox works by binding to receptors that send nerve signals for muscles to contract, essentially paralyzing the muscle from working. Skinwood Medical specializes in preventing the “frozen”, unnatural look, while also providing long lasting results. There is an “art” to injection placement and dosing for each person, and it must be customized by an artist for optimal results.
To get further improvement we do fillers to the temples and forehead to give underlying support and lift, use threads to immediately and long-term elevate the skin in the area, and Ultherapy to tighten the deep muscles in that area.


Botox is FDA-approved and safe for the majority of men and women. However, a consultation with Dr. Gujjar is the best way to find out if Botox is right for you. Along with a physical examination of the area(s) you want to treat, your medical history and your expectations for the procedure will factor into the doctor’s treatment recommendations.


  • Botox, Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Sagar Gujjar Botox is injected into the muscle causing the muscle to relax, improving the appearance of the lines. Botox works by binding to receptors that send nerve signals for muscles to contract.
  • Since your body is constantly making new receptors and neurotransmitters all the time, future Botox treatments will be needed to maintain the relaxed and smooth appearance.


Full results can be achieved with multiple laser or radiofrequency skin resurfacing treatment sessions.

Post Treatment care & instructions

  • Avoid touching or rubbing the treated area. This can help to prevent the Botox from migrating to other areas and causing unwanted effects.
  • Do not lie down or bend over for at least 4 hours after the treatment. This will help to prevent the Botox from settling in the wrong areas.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Exercise can increase blood flow to the treated area, which can cause the Botox to spread and cause unwanted effects.
  • Avoid activities that can cause sweating or heat, such as saunas or hot tubs, for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Heat can also increase blood flow to the treated area and cause the Botox to spread.
  • Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Alcohol can thin the blood, which can also increase blood flow to the treated area and cause the Botox to spread.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen for at least 24 hours after the treatment. These medications can thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising.


The neurotoxin in Botox, botulinum toxin type A, resolves the unwanted effects of hyperactive muscles by preventing them from contracting. Muscles contract in response to nerve signals, so Botox works by blocking these communications and holding muscles in a temporary state of inactivity. The improvements patients see and feel after Botox injections can be attributed to Botox’s ability to keep treated face and neck muscles relaxed. For instance, facial muscles cannot pull the skin into furrows and creases, dynamic wrinkles are released, and patients appear more youthful. This same muscle “freezing” effect is what makes Botox an excellent way to reduce the prominence of enlarged masseter and/or platysmal muscles. Botox allows these jaw and neck muscles to weaken over time, resulting in a loss of muscle mass.


Recovery from Botox requires minimal effort and no significant downtime. Some tenderness or tightness in the treated area may occur for a brief period after the injection session. To ensure that the injected Botox does not migrate and that it remains where the doctor intended, it is important that you stay in an upright position for the first four hours after your procedure. Additionally, take care not to apply pressure to the treated area, and do not massage it. Vigorous physical activity should be postponed until 24 hours after your injections, as well.


The timeline for seeing Botox results varies based on the individual and the condition being treated. It can take up to 14 days for Botox to take its full effect. However, visible results can appear before or after that point, depending on the specific procedure. For example, with wrinkle reduction treatments, you will likely notice improvements within a week of Botox injections. For overactive and enlarged masseter muscles, it can take 30-45 days to see your narrower jaw contours, though you won’t have to wait as long for relief from jaw pain, headaches, and other symptoms of chronic teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Some patients report less discomfort in as little as four to five days after masseter Botox injections. The doctor will advise you regarding when you can expect results once he has created your personalized treatment plan.


Botox, Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Sagar Gujjar Botox is injected into the muscle causing the muscle to relax, improving the appearance of the lines. Botox works by binding to receptors that send nerve signals for muscles to contract. Since your body is constantly making new receptors and neurotransmitters all the time, future Botox treatments will be needed to maintain the relaxed and smooth appearance. Botox results are not permanent but will typically last three to four months. Results can be maintained long-term with additional injections performed at regular intervals. If treatments are not kept up the wrinkles will slowly return as the muscle regains function over time. Botox takes two to four weeks to start working and lasts for up to six months.


Treatments vary in price based on the quantity of Botox needed to resolve your concerns. The severity of your unwanted condition, whether it is dynamic wrinkles, enlarged muscles, or excessive sweating, will impact the amount of Botox required for your procedure. The number of treatment areas and the size of the treatment area(s) will also affect the overall cost of your Botox treatment.


As we age, the fight against dynamic wrinkles like forehead lines and crow’s feet becomes more difficult. At a certain point, the battle to conceal those annoying lines and wrinkles just can’t be won using makeup.
Dr. Gujjar can use injectable “freezers” like Botox to prevent movement wrinkles such as those between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around the eyes. Relaxing the applicable facial muscles with Botox improves the appearance of both resting and active movement lines.
To achieve optimal rejuvenation results in the upper face, Dr. Gujjar often recommends combining Botox with one or more additional cosmetic treatments, such as:

  • Dermal filler injections in the temples and forehead to give underlying support and lift
  • Thread lifting to provide immediate and long-term tissue elevation in the area
  • Ultherapy, a non-invasive procedure that employs ultrasound energy to tighten and rejuvenate the skin

Dr.Gujjar has seen an increase in the number of female patients who inquire about surgical eyebrow lifts. These women typically want a more open look to their eyes and a more elevated lateral eyebrow as these characteristics are associated with youth and feminine beauty. While a surgical brow lift may be necessary to correct severe sagging and loose skin, Botox injections can resolve many patients’ cosmetic concerns in the upper face. Mild brow heaviness due to naturally drooping eyelids or a low brow position can be treated with Botox to provide a subtle lift without the need for surgery or downtime.

Years ago, the only method of narrowing a broad jawline was an invasive surgery that removed portions of the jawbone. Now, thanks to Botox, many patients can accomplish their desired jawline contours with a quick visit to Dr. Gujjar’s medical practice. Quite often, patients with a broad or square-shaped jawline are seeing the effects of hyperactive masseter muscles. The masseter muscles are seated at the back of the jaw on each side of the face and are responsible for jaw movements like chewing. These are also the muscles that contract when we clench or grind our teeth. Just as you can increase muscle mass in the biceps or glutes by consistently working those muscles, the masseter muscles can become enlarged due to frequent and/or excessive use, and this can change the shape of the jawline. Botox can be used to stop the involuntary muscle contractions responsible for strengthening and building these muscles. After an extended period of decreased activity, a loss of muscle mass will occur, and the jawline will be visibly narrower. Masseter Botox is a popular treatment for female patients who want to restore a more delicate, rounded jaw shape.

The platysmal muscles run vertically down the sides of the neck. These muscles become stronger and thicker as we grow older. When these muscles are overdeveloped and noticeably protrude, Botox can help patients achieve smoother, more youthful neck contours. Neck Botox can also help to create a more defined jawline. Overactive neck muscles can pull the jawline downward. When Botox causes those muscles to relax, the jawline elevates slightly, skin laxity is improved, and this area will look slimmer.

If you desire a shapelier upper lip but do not want to add volume, a Botox lip flip can be a great option. Dr. Gujjar is able to create the illusion of a larger lip by injecting Botox into specific muscles along the upper lip line. When these muscles are active, they pull the lip down. Botox inactivates these muscles, releasing that tension and allowing the upper lip to “flip” outward. The result is a more aesthetic shape and fuller look in the upper lip. This treatment helps to mitigate unwanted effects of the aging process, such as an increase in the space between the upper lip and nose. Many people also find that the upper lip thins and flattens as they get older. A Botox lip flip can help these patients restore their youthful lip contours without compromising their natural look.

Dr. Gujjar frequently recommends Botox to patients who are self-conscious about how much of their gums are exposed when they smile. Botox can be injected into lip muscles at a point right below the nose to prevent the upper lip from being pulled above the gumline when you smile.

Reducing masseter muscle contractions with Botox can provide incredible relief for patients who chronically grind their teeth or clench their jaw. Jaw pain, headaches, and dental issues can result from bruxism, if left untreated. Botox offers a convenient, minimally invasive treatment option for this condition. Injecting Botox into the masseter muscles allows them to relax, which can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life.

“Baby Botox” is an increasingly popular treatment among younger patients. Baby Botox involves a smaller dose of the neuromodulator, which is injected using a micro-droplet technique. Patients with very early signs of dynamic facial wrinkles can benefit from this Botox procedure to slow and prevent the formation of deep movement lines.


Botox treatments typically take less than 30 minutes. The treatment area will be cleansed to prepare it for the injections. The doctor will then determine the ideal injection sites for your needs and goals. Using a fine needle, he will inject small, precise amounts of Botox into the applicable muscles.




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Ксения Ш
Ксения Ш
1 March 2024
I have been seeing Dr. Gujjar since 2022 & I am really happy to have found a doctor I can trust. I’m from Russia and it was difficult to find a trust worthy Doctor away from your country. He is very professional, intelligent & absolutely fantastic at his art of aesthetics. My lip filler went wrong & I was scared to trust any Doctor in mumbai. But I’m glad I found him. The only Dr I trust with my fillers & Botox. He’s a magician. I can’t thank him enough. If you’re looking for best Dr to enhance your face than Dr Sagar Gujjar is the one. And don’t miss out on their Hydra Facial. And yes Skinwood staff is really very welcoming and knowledgeable. Kudos to the team 💫 Home away from Home.
Narelle M
Narelle M
28 February 2024
Thank you Yui for always being lovely and looking after me when I come for treatments. I always relax in your hands. 💕
ashika Rele
ashika Rele
26 February 2024
I have had a great experience with skinwood so far they are extremely deserving of a 5 - star rating for their upscaled and an innovative approach to skin care. One of the preferred personnels who works for Skinwood is Pooja Bhatt. She’s absolutely phenomenal at her job for various reasons. One of the main reasons is that - she’s absolutely soft spoken and patient. She also is seamlessly able to module between a gentle to a not pressured touch over the skin based on the equipment she’s handling, that owes credit to her experience i believe. Overall, Great experience!
Aditi Khinchi
Aditi Khinchi
21 February 2024
I’ve been visiting Skinwood clinic since a year, and honestly I’m so happy with Dr Sagar and its team. I’m so happy with my Nose thread’s results. Dr Sagars treatment has shown remarkable differences. I’ve been to many dermatologists but failed to get the results. Dr & his team listened to my concerns and offer me the treatment accordingly. No extra pushing. And their staff 👏 super professional and kind. Must visit skinwood for your aesthetic concern & facials. And they have the best & most upgraded technology. Luxury for a reason
neha Chandak
neha Chandak
21 February 2024
Started with my emerald laser journey 45 days back and honestly I’m so impressed & happy with the technology. The results are really certain. Highly recommended. Staff is very helpful & professional.
Siddique Ahmed
Siddique Ahmed
20 February 2024
Do visit here one stop solutions for all ur skin concern thnks to Dr and the staff
kamini pawar
kamini pawar
18 January 2024
Dr. Sagar Gujjar is legit the best! I've been to a bunch of dermatologists, and nobody really got what was up with my skin. But Dr. Sagar? Dude knows his stuff. He took the time to break it all down for me, no rushing, just chill vibes. My skin's looking way better now, and here's the deal – no fake promises, just real, practical solutions. Even when I moved to Bangalore, these guys are still my go-to. The whole team's got my back whenever I've got an issue. Big shoutout to Laxmi at the front desk – always polite, always helping out. This clinic is on another level when it comes to ethics. Seriously, if you're in Mumbai and need a derm, this is the spot. Mad respect to Dr. Sagar and the team
Dr. Rakhi Upadhyay
Dr. Rakhi Upadhyay
15 January 2024
Dr Sagar is best at his job. I’m really impressed with the treatment he recommended me for my pigmentation. The results are very certain also I’ve done my lip filler with him last month and very much satisfied with the outcome. Genuine Clinic & Very friendly staff. A must visit.
Nina Shah
Nina Shah
10 January 2024
Skinwood is so professional! Best facials in Bombay! Staff are so lovely too! Always a good experience
sheetal khaire
sheetal khaire
8 January 2024
Beautiful experience! All the treatments are really good. Must give a try,relli effective!



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